This morning’s practice was bitter in bare feet.

It’s twenty-four degrees outside, and my bare feet suffered this morning during practice.  It was good for me, but it definitely made me appreciate putting shoes on to work against an opponent in the second half of my morning regime.  Wow.  Good thing I didn’t look at the temperature before I started.  I would have whimpered and probably chickened out and donned shoes at the onset.  Good for me, though, that I did it, and had a very impeccable (in my triple dragon sash husband’s opinion) session.

Of other interest, we came upon another video of a Tai Chi practitioner who does some very fluid and excellent work.  My only complaint is that he tends to jerk his head aside when an attack enters.  I think he must have been hit hard somewhere young in his training, and the body memory is affecting that reaction.  He also seems to work too hard several places against an opponent. Otherwise, he’s very, very good.  See it here if the embedded video doesn’t work for you:

Meanwhile, here is the video itself:

Came Across This Video of a Martial Artist

Watch.  Pay attention to the details, not the “wows.”  Enjoy.  Work toward this level of excellence…but watch your knees on those drops.  Key’s to this level of mastery, perfect practice, and you MUST own root and center.  And, to get to this level, plan on training (meticulously) from youth to adulthood at least four hours if not eight or more hours a day, everyday, and then plan to continue to train for the rest of your life. 

Sluggish Starts and Determined Finishes.

The students were sluggish this morning, and finding a pace and an exercise that would get mind, body, and spirit engaged proved keeping them off-guard and moving to a lesson of principle and concept.  After the initial two hours of changing direction on them mid-stride, I finally started to see a real focus begin to happen. 

Sometimes, to gain a foothold on surety, one has to keep the student off balance long enough and shift the balance quick enough that they finally find their “feet.”

By the end of session, I was seeing some real use of root, weighting, and attending, all critical to effective martial arts and self-defense. 

They bowed in with a lack of definition in their minds and bodies, their spirits sluggish, but they ended the class and bowed out with energy, determination, and a sense of being.

I’m pleased…though it was work to get them there — three solid hours of work.  Now for a nap…after I do a few chores.

Had a good class today.

Taught a Kung Fu class today with Forrest.  The students did well.  We molded clay.  We pointed to the moon, and they saw where the finger pointed. 

They have the will; they have the fortitude.  It’s the kindling of spirit and the binding of will and intent that remains elusive.  Chi they can feel…sometimes.  But they fail to be able to direct it or to allow it to move them…yet.  It will happen.  In time.  Given time. 

One step.  Then another.  And one more.  Each one well placed.  Soon the top of the mountain is seen.  Later or sooner.  Sooner I can hope, but place no vested interest either way.  It is enough to walk.

We had a good lesson today.

Saying Something

One of my students called just now…while I’m waiting for a phone call to come in from long and far away, so I made the call very short.  Seems her mom-in-law is throwing a baby shower for wife of brother-in-law who is growing a new human inside her womb.  So student is “cordially invited” to appear, expensive gift in hand, of course.  The slight is, don’t bring kids.  You can leave them at “Unknown DayCare Down the Road.”  (Really?  Kids are all excited about having a new cousin and even made presents.)  Oh, and, by the way, your own mom is not invited, which, of course, own mom already figured out when she didn’t get an invitation, but got to hear about the event.  Hurt Mom. 🙁

What to do?

Send the present via USPS or UPS.  Write a note, explaining things to sis-in-law — that mom-in-law/control freak/bitch (a woman who thinks nothing of walking into a house and appropriating whatever she desires without even so much a by your leave) has made it much too difficult to attend since both kids and Grandma have been hurt deeply by being spurned invitation.

Student didn’t want to go anyway, and was doing it for husband.  Ah, no.  Wrong reason.

Secret: Do what’s right for you, not what’s “seemly,” which, of course, only perpetuates more demands and expectations of doing “seemly.” And don’t just be silent here.  Say something, honestly (and as politely as you can without sacrificing truth).  Never mind PC.  Never mind THEIR feelings.  How about everybody else’s feelings?  How about yours?  Be honest…politely, of course, which means “Tell them the pertinent truth they need to hear.”  Nothing worse than laying falseness over ugliness.  Just call it ugly in a way that gets your point across without reaming them a new rectal orifice, then be on your way.