Missing, Assumed Dead, and It’s Murder She Wrote

Missing, Assumed Dead, a murder-mystery thriller by Marva DasefThere’s a REALLY good novel…murder-mystery thriller, in fact.

Missing, Assumed Dead.

And I’m not just saying that.

Missing, Assumed Dead.

It’s set in the West. In Oregon. In a very small town in Oregon. A very small town that is very small townish, just like where I live. And corruption is rampant, violence often the answer, all kept nice and swept under the rug.

But city girls don’t know the rules, and the lawman who loves her ain’t gonna stand by and watch her get hurt…or worse.

Missing, Assumed Dead.
Missing, Assumed Dead, a murder-mystery thriller by Marva Dasef

Read it. It’s free, right now. But it won’t be for long. So get on over and grab it for your Kindle.

…Oh, and it’s in audio, too!

Missing, Assumed Dead. By Marva Dasef.