So Now It’s the Festival at Sewer Plant & the Team Relay, Too!

As if the Festival at Sewer Plant didn’t bring enough mayhem, with its beer tent, its liquored wastrels, and its doped-out druggies into our quiet neighborhood, to add further injury and insult, the Spokane-to-Sandpoint Team Relay has descended, boisterous and craven with their loud speakers, tents, and riotous nonsense to our quiet Lakeview Park.  Garish vans park up and down the street slathered with “bad attitude,” not-for-the-eyes-of-children-under-13 slogans.  This is not something I consider good for Sandpoint.  In fact, the only people it pleases are the Realtors and the liquor, beer, and wine joints.

Ugly.  Ugly attitudes, destructive behavior, and disturbing to the peace of the community and county.  All this added to the chaos the Festival now brings to town for two solid weeks of noise torture.

My husband supports the Festival.  He says, rightly so, that it’s the only bit of real culture we get here.  But mostly bad country music, bad reggae (can you say marijuana party?), and bad pop-rock is NOT the Pacific Northwest’s version of Interlochen, which is what the Festival at Sandpoint was SUPPOSED to be, what it started out as, but not what it became after being bastardized by the local movers and shakers.

Don’t know what Interlochen is?  Go here: It’s world class, that’s what.  What we started to build here…only to have it devolve into party-animal central, of negligible worth, each year’s level of musicians deteriorating from consistently world class to mostly “never heard of them.”

That’s Sandpoint!  Its motto? If it’s good, screw it till it reeks.