Seems Chrome on Android smartphones isn't using standards, therefore my hamburger menu isn't showing, and neither is the noscript option for you people. Here's the menu for those suffering that problem. (By the way, the BRAVE browser on Android works great. Might think about trying that instead. You'll like it. I promise.)
so here's that promised menu:
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You've come to this website (I'd venture to guess) because you want to know more about who I am — how I think, why I think that way, what I do, and how I do it. I'm not sure I can provide you a tidy, succinct answer, but what I can do is show you a glimpse into “me” through my thoughts and ponderings, through my projects and how I approach them, through my creative expressions and client work, through my passions and perspectives.
I think conceptually and, often, panoptically, rather than in a strictly linear, methodological stream. Some find me extremely intuitive. The core of my friends find me kind, feisty, delightfully droll, and, at times, just a tad bit blunt.
If I were to name my most notable failing, it's being too honest. If one of my favorite bosses, Aaron Knight, were to name my Achilles heel, it would be (and I quote) that I “think too much.” Of course, he was pleased when I put his business “back in black” within a handfull of weeks after taking over operations, despite that “fault.”

Two of my beloved dogs. Bailey is no longer with us. My wonderful, awesome Laddie is who Dree's star Aussie dog is modeled on in my newly released Contemporary Westerns/Romance novels, “Through Better & Worse, a Montana Love Story” and “To Have & To Hold, a Continuing Montana Love Story”.

Beloved Bailey

Wonderful, awesome Laddie
Author, artist, martial artist, musician, composer, poet, lyricist, horsewoman, hiker, mountain biker, friend to some, enemy to others simply because they don't like my viewpoint, my lifeway, my worldview.
zentao is my lifeway, Shaolin Kung Fu, my martial way. I also embrace the art of Tai Chi, Tao Chi, and I Dance the Tao. I'm an expert in many disciplines, very good at others, and some I just work at -- hard. I am a swordswoman, work traditional martial arts weapons, and love the Feather Form, the Flute Form, and the Creation Form, though I can't do them as well as the master himself -- the man who loves and cherishes me.
I live, I love, I am passionate about many things, especially preserving all that is good and beautiful, natural, ancient, alive -- that which belongs to native Earth.
Mostly, I care. A lot.