Like I Said, What Free Time?!

Never fails.  I just about think I’m tidying up the day when somebody drops in with some “needed, necessary, must have ASAP” emergency.  Okay.  Fifteen minutes and some magic with the Wacom, and, there you go, FIXED.  *sigh*  I tell you.  Nobody plans.  Everybody is rushing around doing last minute gasps to meet deadlines they knew about twelve months prior.  If I lived my life like that, I’d never, ever make it.  People…er…Americans, LISTEN UP.

The way to have life under some measure of control is to NOT PROCRASTINATE.  Do NOT put off until the second before your project deadline what you should have iced months ago.  I’m not always nice.  I’m not always HERE.  Then what?  You’re going to wind up with your shorts down around your ankles and your hands too full to cover what needs covering, that’s what!  Of course, that’s always fun for us bystanders, so…carry on.  😀